
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Baking Class-Research Terms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Baking Class- Terms - Research Paper Example This method is founded on whipping sugar and eggs/yolks to the ribbon stage, dry ingredients are then folded, the egg white is whipped to stiff peaks then folded into the sugar, egg/egg yolk, and dry mixture, lastly fat is folded into the batter. 9) Rolled in fat dough- This is dough in which the fat or filling is incorporated in many layers by using a rolling or folding procedure. It is used for flaky baked goods like croissants, puff pastry and Danish breads. 12) Creaming method- This method is initiated by the blending of sugar with butter until fluffy, eggs are added one by one and allowed to mix into the batter, dry and liquid ingredients are then added. This method is used for preparation of cookies, certain muffins, cakes, and quick breads. 14) Parchment paper- This is heat resistant paper that has been treated and is used in the kitchen for tasks like lining baking pans, wrapping foods to be cooked for instance en papillote, and covering foods when shallow

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