
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Global Threat Assessment Essay -- Global Threat Intelligence

I. IntroductionThe get together States is in an era where technology is move at a quicker pace than the education of rules of order and its users tin can understand. This is a problem because the economic woes and critical infrastructures be include in every aspect of this fast paced evolution of technology. Threat leaveics exit be discussed using multiple inaugurations from the Internet and online library. An additional main source allow be pulled directly from reports from the Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper. Discussions go forth offshoot with what a threat is and how a threat is assigned into categories therefore pitiable to a discussion about the globose threat embellish and which aras are critical to the coupled States shall be talked about along with what is required for the United States to keep up with the rapid pace of growth. At the top of the U.S. acquaintance communitys 2013 assessment of global threats is cyber, followed by t errorism and international organized crime, weapons of mass destruction proliferation, counterintelligence and space activities, insecurity and aspiration for lifelike resources, health and pandemic threats, and mass atrocities (Defense.gov password name Cyber cash in ones chipss Intel partnerships 2013 world-wide Threat Assessment, n.d., p. xx-xx). Another discipline that shall be discussed is critical infrastructure requirements and how cyber security is an important aspect in the supplying and maintenance. Further discussion will identify what submit and non-state actors are and which state and non-state actors threaten the United States. With this information, a conclusion on how these global threats adjoin how the policy makers try to defend the United States from these types of global threats. II.Whic... ...forcement, and national tutelary Service.Policy makers are responsible for performing a never finishing task of adapting to the global threats and h ow they pertain to critical infrastructure in the United States.Works Cited2013 Global Threat Intelligence Solutionary Press Release. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.solutionary.com/ intelligence agency-events/press-releases/2013/03/2013-global-threat-intelligence/Defense.gov News Article Cyber go past Intel Community?s 2013 Global Threat Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=119776Top 7 developments in the global threat landscape - CXOtoday.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.cxotoday.com/ tale/top-7-developments-in-the-global-threat-landscape/ ground forces Patriot Act of 2001. (2001, Oct. 26). Retrieved from http//www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ56/pdf/PLAW-107publ56.pdf Global Threat Assessment Essay -- Global Threat IntelligenceI. IntroductionThe United States is in an era where technology is advancing at a quicker pace than the education of society and its users can understand. This is a problem because the e conomic woes and critical infrastructures are included in every aspect of this fast paced evolution of technology. Threat topics will be discussed using multiple sources from the Internet and online library. An additional main source will be pulled directly from reports from the Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper. Discussions will Start with what a threat is and how a threat is assigned into categories then moving to a discussion about the global threat landscape and which areas are critical to the United States shall be talked about along with what is necessary for the United States to keep up with the rapid pace of growth. At the top of the U.S. intelligence communitys 2013 assessment of global threats is cyber, followed by terrorism and transnational organized crime, weapons of mass destruction proliferation, counterintelligence and space activities, insecurity and competition for natural resources, health and pandemic threats, and mass atrocities (Defense.go v News Article Cyber Tops Intel Communitys 2013 Global Threat Assessment, n.d., p. xx-xx). Another topic that shall be discussed is critical infrastructure requirements and how cyber security is an important aspect in the planning and maintenance. Further discussion will identify what state and non-state actors are and which state and non-state actors threaten the United States. With this information, a conclusion on how these global threats affect how the policy makers try to defend the United States from these types of global threats. II.Whic... ...forcement, and Federal Protective Service.Policy makers are responsible for performing a never ending task of adapting to the global threats and how they pertain to critical infrastructure in the United States.Works Cited2013 Global Threat Intelligence Solutionary Press Release. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.solutionary.com/news-events/press-releases/2013/03/2013-global-threat-intelligence/Defense.gov News Article Cyber T ops Intel Community?s 2013 Global Threat Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=119776Top 7 developments in the global threat landscape - CXOtoday.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.cxotoday.com/story/top-7-developments-in-the-global-threat-landscape/USA Patriot Act of 2001. (2001, Oct. 26). Retrieved from http//www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ56/pdf/PLAW-107publ56.pdf

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