
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Mental Health State Essay -- Healthcare, Vision, Mental Health

grimer-ranking reverie assessments as a unremarkable normally include subject tale and psychophysical measurements. By adding affable health state and low hallucination quality of intent questionnaires during case bill, a better quality of low sight replenishment can be offered to low vision patients. offset vision rehabilitation is very rewarding because much can be offered to assist the low vision patients. We report a 43-years old pistillate who had tractional retinal detachment secondary to diabetic retinopathy and how low vision rehabilitation can be improved by adding simple steps incorporating mental health state and quality of life questionnaire which can be thrifty objectively during case history in low vision assessment. As this case report shows, recognition of the mental health and quality of life impact on visual impairment is very critical to entry of appropriate rehabilitation and referral for low vision patients. IntroductionCurrently, low vision asses sment routine normally involved mainly the case history which includes the patients main complained, patients requirements, patients ocular history, patients general health plus medication, family history of ocular diseases and general health. The psychophysics measurement such as visual visual acuity (VA), refraction, visual field measurement, contrast sensitivity function test, assessment of front tooth and posterior part of the eyes were the common examination conducted during low vision assessment (Jackson & Wolffsohn 2007). However, mental health state i.e The Depression Anxiety examine Scales (DASS) (Ramli et al. 2007) and impression Vision Quality of Life Questionnaires (LVQoL) (Walffsohn & Cochrane 2000) are not routine in case history during low vision assessment at Low Vision Clinic, U... ...sians. Asia Pac J Public Health 21(1)43-50.12.Norhani, M. & Suzainah, Y. 1998. profile of low vision clinic population. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 81(5)198-20213.Ramli, M., Mohd Ariff, F. & Zaini, Z. Translation, validation and psychometric properties of Bahasa Malaysia transformation of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS). ASEAN Journal Psychiatry 8(2)82-8914.Wolffsohn, J. S. & Cochrane, A. L. 2000. Design of the Low Vision Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (LVQOL) and Measuring the Outcome of Low-vision Rehabilitation. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 130(6)793-802.15.Zainal, M., Ismail, S. M., Ropilah, A. R., Elias, H., Arumugan, G., Alias, D., Fathilah, J. Lim, T. O., Ding, L. M. & Goh, P. P. 2002. Prevalence of sightlessness and low vision in Malaysian population results from the National centre of attention Survey 1996. Br J Ophthalmol. 86951-956

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